Here we will talk about how to export an asset, please read the Prepare your exports section before creating an export.
Export your assets in order to reference them in other scenes or softwares. There is different ways to create exports :
Export within the softwares#
When you launch a software with wizard ( See Launch a work version ), a wizard menu appears in the menu bar of the software.
To create an export, click on Export data.
![Alternative text](../_images/export_and_comment.gif)
Here are the menus in softwares :
Export with batch mode#
To export an asset in batch mode, you will need to setup the batch executables in the project preferences, go to the The batch executables section.
Go to the work versions tabs.
![Alternative text](../_images/work_versions_tab1.jpg)
Then choose a work version to export and click on the button or Right click > Batch export version.
This will launch a wizard subtask, go to the Subtasks section to know more about wizard subtasks.
![Alternative text](../_images/batch_export.gif)
Manually create an export#
You can manually merge a file as a new export, go to the exports tab.
![Alternative text](../_images/exports_tab2.jpg)
Then click on the button, drag and drop a file or Right click > Manually add a file.
When you merge a file, wizard will ask you for an export name, you are free to enter what you want, for example, if you already have exported a ‘LOD1’, you can enter LOD1 and wizard will merge with the others LOD1 versions.
![Alternative text](../_images/manually_merge_export.gif)